“Every dream comes with built-in challenges, and every challenge comes with built-in dreams.” I like this quote because it talks about the fact that we can actually grow from every situation we create or find ourselves in if we choose to find the blessing in it. It also tells us that we can’t actually have our dreams come true unless we are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them. But there is another part of this quote that many people would overlook. My wife is an artist and an interior designer. Many of her clients ask her to include shelves that are built in to the walls in their homes and businesses, whether for files, books, decorations or entertainment centers. These structures are extremely valuable in that they act as a permanent centerpiece and foundation of the space and fulfill some very important needs.
You may be asking yourself what the quote above and story about the shelves have in common. Well, one thing is that someone (or something) had to DO the designing and building in each instance. In the case of the shelves, it was an interior designer and a carpenter. In the quote (and in every life situation it refers to), our Creator has done both the designing and the building-in of the challenges and the dreams as a permanent centerpiece and foundation of our lives, even if they go unrecognized or are sometimes hindered from functioning as fully as intended.
Another awesome example of something YOU have that is built-in is what we chiropractors call your Innate Intelligence. This Inborn Wisdom creates the Life Force that grows you from two tiny cells in your mother’s womb into a newborn baby and continues evolving you all the days of your life. This Intelligence decides which parts of each breath of air it will accept for use in your body and which parts it will breathe back out. It determines how to turn your bowl of Cheerios into new spleen tissue and send the waste out your back door. It heals the cut on your finger, enables you to deal with the stresses of work and family, causes you pet your dog and allows you to experience all of the joys of life! In fact, this Wisdom is not just IN you; it IS you!
You also have a BUILT-IN system to channel your Life Force through, as well as control and coordinate, all of your cells. The system I am referring to is your NERVE SYSTEM. Your Life Force flows from above-down and inside-out, through every single cell of your body from conception until death,
In other words, you need a clear neurological CONNECTION in order for your Life force to continue helping you coordinate all of your cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, adapt to life’s stresses, heal from any difficulties you may have encountered and continue growing into whatever your personal purpose and potential might be.
The specific chiropractic adjustment process is designed to help you become and remain as completely neurologically CONNECTED as possible, so that you can be all that you were meant to be. What if your entire family were to BUILD-IN a regular program of adjustments as a part of your healthy lifestyle? Would all of your BUILT-IN abilities to fight off infections and handle most of the physical, chemical, electrical, mental and emotional stresses of the world be more fully expressed? Would you have a better chance at experiencing the normal state of EASE (health) that has been BUILT-IN as a natural part of life? Could the free flow of this awesome Power actually bring you the peace of mind and unrestrained joy you have all been dreaming of?
Now, I know that a dream that large is not without challenges – living a health-creating lifestyle isn’t always easy or convenient. But remember; with each new challenge you successfully overcome…you will also gain a new dream, because…it’s BUILT-IN!